Our Youth and Community Workers are qualified to national standards for the activities they deliver.
All staff working directly with young people and vulnerable individuals are Garda vetted.
Ratios set down by national governing bodies are strictly adhered to in the delivery of activities.
Activity programmes and physical resources are continually risk assessed by the Centre’s Health and Safety team in line with the Cavan Centre’s Safety Statement.
In the interest of safety certain activities may be unavailable, e.g, if weather conditions are unfavourable.
The Centre requires that the safety regulations in place, including the wearing of safety equipment, are adhered to by anyone visiting the Centre.
It is a requirement that Leaders accompany their group for the duration of activity sessions and supervise their group at all times.
All our staff are trained in First Aid—Remote Emergency Care, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, and Child Protection Training.
A defibrillator is located at the Centre and on remote activities. ...